As Seen In:

As Seen In:

“I need to fit into those pink pants.”

I was standing in my bedroom staring at a pair of pink pants I had purchased months before.

I desperately wanted to wear them, but they didn’t fit.

Frustration filled me and as many thoughts raced through my mind, one thought dominated them all:

“How did I get here?”

It wasn’t just about this pair of pink pants. It was about what those pants represented.

I had built my life around working hard and being successful.

As a Doctor of Pharmacy who had excelled in school, gotten a good job and enjoyed many incredible relationships. I should have been happy. 

But in this one area, I felt stuck.

I had tried the fad diets.

I had tried working out.

But nothing was leading to my ultimate goal:

I wanted to lose the weight and keep it off forever.

On paper, I was a success.

But the truth was that I was struggling. MAJORLY.

If I was honest with myself, I knew that my body didn’t feel like it matched who I really was. 

Maybe you can relate?

  • You’ve worked really hard to get to where you are in life but losing weight seems to be the one thing you’re struggling to master
  • Other people look at you and see a successful person who has hit many of their goals but you feel trapped, tired and miserable when it comes to your weight
  • You can’t understand how all of your perfectionism and drive in every other area of your life has let you down when it comes to losing weight

I totally understand.

But that moment, looking at my pants, something shifted inside of me. I knew that it was now or never. It led to a breakthrough that changed the trajectory of my life and allowed me to finally lose weight and keep it off for the past 8 years (and counting!). I’ve now used what I learned to help my clients to do the same.

“I need to fit into those pink pants.”

I was standing in my bedroom staring at a pair of pink pants I had purchased months before.

I desperately wanted to wear them, but they didn’t fit.

Frustration filled me and as many thoughts raced through my mind, one thought dominated them all:

“How did I get here?”

It wasn’t just about this pair of pink pants. It was about what those pants represented.

I had built my life around working hard and being successful.

As a Doctor of Pharmacy who had excelled in school, gotten a good job and enjoyed many incredible relationships. I should have been happy. 

But in this one area, I felt stuck.

I had tried the fad diets.

I had tried working out.

But nothing was leading to my ultimate goal: I wanted to lose the weight and keep it off forever.

On paper, I was a success.

But the truth was that I was struggling. MAJORLY.

If I was honest with myself, I knew that my body didn’t feel like it matched who I really was. 

Maybe you can relate?

  • You’ve worked really hard to get to where you are in life but losing weight seems to be the one thing you’re struggling to master
  • Other people look at you and see a successful person who has hit many of their goals but you feel trapped, tired and miserable when it comes to your weight
  • You can’t understand how all of your perfectionism and drive in every other area of your life has let you down when it comes to losing weight

I totally understand.

But that moment, looking at my pants, something shifted inside of me. I knew that it was now or never. It led to a breakthrough that changed the trajectory of my life and allowed me to finally lose weight and keep it off for the past 8 years (and counting!). I’ve now used what I learned to help my clients to do the same.

Imagine what it would
feel like to:

  • Stop second guessing yourself when it comes to weight loss and to know that your plan is actually working to get you to your goals.
  • Have a place to go whenever you have questions about your progress or to troubleshoot when things don’t seem to be going your way, relieved that you’re not alone.
  • Become an expert in knowing exactly what factors affect your weight, mood and energy levels so that you can make tweaks to support your progress
  • Finally have a solid system for losing weight - without starving yourself or depriving yourself in any way so that you can lose the weight now and keep it off later

That’s what the system I’ve created

makes possible.

I know that sounds like an unbelievable promise. After all, you’ve tried a ton of things and nothing has led to the results you’ve been looking for so far.


But what if that was the exact issue?

What if in all of the trying, you missed the thing that really mattered? 

See, many weight loss programs are built on the premise that you need to do all the things in order to be successful.

You need to create a meal plan and cook for hours each week.

You need to spend countless dollars buying all organic ingredients.

You need to cut so many calories and ditch carbs to the point where you wonder if there is anything left to eat.

So you work really hard, get burnt out and then end up right back where you started. 


Or worse, you gained back even more weight than you originally had! 


You get frustrated and decide to try the next thing… 


And the roller coaster ride continues.


The problem? Those other programs focused on just what you do, rather than how.

See, it’s not your fault that you keep missing your goals.


It’s the way you’ve been taught to take an all or nothing approach to weight loss that is actually keeping you stuck.

Instead of just focusing on the “what” of weight loss (you know, what you eat, what you cook, what restaurants you avoid, what your calorie count is…), true success comes when you focus on the HOW.


  • How are you feeling, and how is that impacting what you eat?
  • How does your body feel when you eat that food?
  • How can you take one step to reach your goals today?
  • How can you be prepared to eat well when you go to that restaurant? 
  • How often are you doing the things that really matter? 


If you ask me, it’s about time we stop making weight loss about a bunch of rules and instead focus more on making great decisions consistently and intentionally.

That’s what the system I’ve created

makes possible.

I know that sounds like an unbelievable promise. After all, you’ve tried a ton of things and nothing has led to the results you’ve been looking for so far.


But what if that was the exact issue?

What if in all of the trying, you missed the thing that really mattered? 

See, many weight loss programs are built on the premise that you need to do all the things in order to be successful.

You need to create a meal plan and cook for hours each week.

You need to spend countless dollars buying all organic ingredients.

You need to cut so many calories and ditch carbs to the point where you wonder if there is anything left to eat.

So you work really hard, get burnt out and then end up right back where you started. 


Or worse, you gained back even more weight than you originally had! 


You get frustrated and decide to try the next thing… 


And the roller coaster ride continues.


The problem? Those other programs focused on just what you do, rather than how.

See, it’s not your fault that you keep missing your goals.


It’s the way you’ve been taught to take an all or nothing approach to weight loss that is actually keeping you stuck.

Instead of just focusing on the “what” of weight loss (you know, what you eat, what you cook, what restaurants you avoid, what your calorie count is…), true success comes when you focus on the HOW.


  • How are you feeling, and how is that impacting what you eat?
  • How does your body feel when you eat that food?
  • How can you take one step to reach your goals today?
  • How can you be prepared to eat well when you go to that restaurant? 
  • How often are you doing the things that really matter? 


If you ask me, it’s about time we stop making weight loss about a bunch of rules and instead focus more on making great decisions consistently and intentionally.

Because here is the truth:

(A Rock Solid Mindset + A Simple Plan) x Consistency = Results

This program is your ticket to consistently taking small actions, in your mind AND body, to finally lose that weight - and to keep it off.

Introducing The BMT Breakthrough

The 12-Month Weight Loss Transformation Experience with Coach Beth

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my years as a Pharmacist, my own weight loss journey and my experience helping clients, and turned it into a 5-Phase process to help you to finally lose weight - and keep it off.

I went from being tired, uncomfortable and frustrated with my weight to reaching my goal weight and thriving. I continue to maintain my weight now 8 years later and I’ve helped countless women to do the same.

Now, I’m excited to hand you the system so that you can have results like this too.

See what’s inside once you become a member:

Phase 1: Declaration

Weight loss victory starts long before you ever step foot on a scale. 

Think about it! Have you ever wondered why every time you try to make a significant change, your brain wants to step in and tell you all the reasons that it’s not going to work? 

That’s because your brain is wired to keep you safe - and let’s be real. Change doesn’t always feel safe! 

That’s why in this first phase, we will work on getting your mind prepared and on board for transformation. 

Imagine how much easier the journey will be if your brain is working with you, rather than constantly telling you that your goals are impossible!

What you’ll walk away with:

  • A powerful Commitment Pledge where you’ll get to the heart of why this change is not only safe but GOOD, telling your brain that this journey is exactly what you need to be doing. 
  • A customized pre-lapse protection plan so that you know exactly what to do when life gets hard (because we know it will)! No more getting stuck and staying there.  

“Coach Beth is really good at helping us with our mindset. When those automatic negative thoughts come in, she knows how to plow through them and knock them out one by one. She deals with mindset every single day. She thinks about it, talks about it, breathes it and lives it, she instills it in us and that's reason we're still here.”

Phase 2: Transformation

Remember that formula for getting results? 

(A Solid Mindset + A Simple Plan) x Consistency = Results.

The first part of that requires that you have a solid mindset AND a plan. In this phase, we’ll make sure that you have both. 

First, I’ll reveal the Four Nutrition Gamechangers that will be the key building blocks on your Breakthrough journey.

These four simple tweaks will allow you to have some easy wins and move you quickly toward your weight loss goals. This is where we SERIOUSLY uncomplicate weight loss and make it simple for you to know every single day if you are doing what matters.

Next, I’ll introduce you to the Four Confidence Gamechangers which will help you to get your mind right for the journey.

These four keys will help you to deal with the negative thoughts that can come up so that you always have a strategy for getting your brain on track and moving you toward your goals! Hello, confidence!

  • My 3-step process for making sure that every meal you eat is supporting your weight loss goals (my clients are OBSESSED with my super easy Freedom Food Formula!) 
  • A simple but powerful mindset tool to get yourself back on track when (yes, not if, but when) you start to spiral. This is the key that many clients have been missing in the past when they were trying to lose weight! 

The beginning steps helped me understand the importance of nutrition over exercise which I never believed. I can now look at a variety of foods and can say to myself automatically now – filler, protein, base!  The encouragement I received was simply amazing.  

I have complete confidence in the process and more importantly Coach Beth!"

Phase 3: Investigation

It’s not enough to just know the plan, you have to actually put it into action! The best way to do that is to keep track of what you are eating so that you know exactly what is working and what isn’t. 

By the end of this phase, you’ll be an expert at tracking your progress and interpreting your results, giving you control over your results! 

Now THAT feels good! 

What you’ll walk away with:

  • You’ll have my Detect and Dissect Tool which gives you step-by-step guidance for tracking your food and drink in a way that fits your lifestyle, without being overwhelmed, so you can identify gaps in your nutrition and always know what you need to do to keep making progress.
  • You learn how to interpret scale readings, understand the difference between temporary weight fluctuations and true weight loss so you see more of the true losses. 

“I don't feel like I've been run over by a truck all the time. Before, when I got home from work, I’d plop down on the couch and I would be so tired and feel like I couldn't do anything else for the rest of the day. And now, I feel like I have the energy to go all the way into the night. So, it's definitely been life-changing! I can't even explain how different I feel. I’m not feeling like I'm walking around with chains holding me down, fighting against lethargy, and being so tired. I love that feeling; I’m eating the stuff that my body likes and what it needs.”

Phase 4: Application

Like anything, getting good at this takes practice! That’s why we’ll fine-tune your roadmap for success so that you know what and how to eat to keep making progress, even when you’ve had a bad day, when life throws you a curveball, at family gatherings, when you’re out with friends, and in any other situation that may come up. 

You’ll learn how to stay consistent and how to indulge without getting derailed.

What you’ll walk away with:

  • All of the nitty gritty details for how to apply what you’ve been learning into everyday life
  • Customized action steps to help you to stay on track with what you have going on in your specific life circumstances

“The support and encouragement received from Coach Beth has been truly undeniably grand, between the quick responses to my questions, check-ins, and office hours. I must confess I have made both great and poor choices in my lifetime but electing to participate in the program was most definitely one of my great ones!"

Phase 5: Celebration

The last thing you need is to put in the work to finally lose that weight, just to gain it all back after completing the program! 

That’s why I’ve included my step-by-step Relapse Prevention Plan so that you never have to feel like you’re floundering post-weight loss. 

Eating out? I’ve got you covered. 

Going to a family dinner for the holidays? No worries.

Enjoying food with friends at the office? Sounds good! 

Preserving your weight loss is a continual process, and in order for you to keep off the pounds that you’ve shed, you’ve got to keep shedding some of the long-held negative thoughts and patterns that caused you to regain weight in the past.

That’s why I’ve tacked on an extra 6 months of coaching support for you!

Self-sabotage creeping in? I’m here.

Maintenance starting to feel boring? Let’s talk about it.

I’ll help you transition so that the things you've learned become real life for you in a manageable and sustainable way!

You’ll have the tools you need to maintain your weight loss no matter where you are!

“I have lost 8 pounds, which I’m very pleased with. I didn’t think it would happen this quickly. And that’s 8 pounds that I know is not coming back in my direction. I have been able to wear some clothes that were too tight and now I’m comfortable. I’m getting a bit of attitude back in my walk again! The amount of support is unreal. I didn’t think I would have this much support from Coach Beth. So thankful that she keeps me accountable!”

Sound good so far? I hope so, because there’s even more!

Here’s what you can look forward to in the Breakthrough:

  • 12 months of access to our private BMT Coaching online community - Get support, accountability and get cheered on by my client community! We’re all in this together! 
  • BMT Coaching Meal Planning Guide - Make meal planning a breeze (even if you hate to cook like I do) and do a happy dance, because every meal you eat will be supporting your weight loss goals
  • BMT Bites Collection - Get access to over 150 BMT-approved recipes, all with 30 minutes or less cook time and 7 or less ingredients
  • Access to online coaching portal - Everything you need for your journey, easily accessible on desktop and mobile so you can get it anywhere you need it.
  • Private voice messaging support from Coach Beth during weekly office hours - You're not alone! Whether you need to vent, ask a question or just chat with someone who understands what you’re going through, you’ll have direct access to me every week to get the support you need 
  • Coach Beth’s Detect and Dissect Assessment Tool + Handbook - Eliminate all of the guesswork by easily evaluating your weekly food logs and scale readings to know exactly what’s happening and how you can keep moving forward 
  • Coach Beth’s Restaurant Menu Review Tool - Going out to eat? Check out this tool first so that you can enjoy your meal while doing it in a way that supports your goals 
  • BMT Coaching Portion Control Guide - Never wonder how much you are supposed to eat! This guide will keep you feeling full and on track to your goals
  • The BMT Coaching Client Resource Library - Need help on a specific topic? It’s all in this library! 
  • 6 months of weekly personal accountability checks from Coach Beth - You’re not just a number in this program! Touch base with me personally each week to make sure you are getting all of the support you need 
  • Monthly community coaching calls - Once a month, join me as I bring all of my clients together to answer questions, share ideas and encourage one another on the journey.

Trying to lose weight no longer has to end in a breakdown.

The BMT Breakthrough provides you with an overwhelm-free plan to finally take consistent action towards your weight loss goals.

Apply to join The BMT Breakthrough today!

“I can't begin to explain how grateful I am for Coach Beth. She gave me the boost I needed to begin to live my life again. After repeated attempts and failures to exercise and "eat less," I'd become complacent in the size 20 pants I'd initially refused to buy. The first 2 weeks were the hardest. She helped me to get my mind to a place where I could let go of the things that put me in this predicament. She provided me with a detailed meal plan including great recipe ideas and tips that make meal prep fast and easy. I don't have to worry about what I can or can't eat throughout the day. She is always there to offer a healthy alternative solution geared towards my preferences and keeping my many food allergies in mind. She also provided me with fast food options for work days when I failed to prep the night before. With a perfect balance of tough love and constant encouragement, I was able to drop 17 pounds and 2 pants sizes in 30 days! I look forward to learning more ways to make this not only a weight loss journey but a lifestyle change.

Can we address the elephant
in the room?

You’ve tried to lose weight before.

Maybe you’ve even joined a program like this one and felt disappointment when you didn’t get the results that you hoped for.

I get it.

The weight loss industry is full of people claiming that they have the solution for you.

So you might be wondering, what makes The BMT Breakthrough different? 

I’m so glad you asked!

The BMT Breakthrough isn’t just a self-paced course.

Let’s face it. We’ve all tried to lose weight before while following a program, but without accountability, support and someone to help us customize the plan just for us, it often falls flat.

The Breakthrough is designed to give you the keys that you’ve been missing when you tried to lose weight in the past:

  • Before, you felt like you had to piece together a plan that would work for you, but you were never 100% sure that what you were doing was going to get you to your goals.
  • Now, you have a plan that is both customized to your life but crazy simple to implement. You’ll also have the tools to track your progress and to see it working.
  • Before, you didn’t have a system for dealing with the mindset junk that came up along your journey, so when the hard days came and life threw you curveballs, you didn’t have the tools to keep going.
  • Now, you’ll have a system for dealing with your mindset so that you know how to retrain your brain to support you, especially when it gets tough.
  • Before, you didn’t have someone walking beside you who understood what you were going through but could also hold you accountable and motivated to move toward your goals.
  • Now, you’ll have an expert walking alongside you to keep you on track who intimately understands what you’re going through and can also support you to keep you moving forward.

That is the BMT Difference. And it changes everything.

Apply to join The BMT Breakthrough today!

“I feel like I owe you the world. I can't say enough how much I appreciate you, providing us with the tools to try and make that lifestyle change that we all really need. I’m a totally different person.”

The Breakthrough is designed to give you the keys that you’ve been missing when you tried to lose weight in the past:

  • Before, you felt like you had to piece together a plan that would work for you, but you were never 100% sure that what you were doing was going to get you to your goals.
  • Now, you have a plan that is both customized to your life but crazy simple to implement. You’ll also have the tools to track your progress and to see it working.
  • Before, you didn’t have a system for dealing with the mindset junk that came up along your journey, so when the hard days came and life threw you curveballs, you didn’t have the tools to keep going.
  • Now, you’ll have a system for dealing with your mindset so that you know how to retrain your brain to support you, especially when it gets tough.
  • Before, you didn’t have someone walking beside you who understood what you were going through but could also hold you accountable and motivated to move toward your goals.
  • Now, you’ll have an expert walking alongside you to keep you on track who intimately understands what you’re going through and can also support you to keep you moving forward.

That is the BMT Difference. And it changes everything.

“I feel like I owe you the world. I can't say enough how much I appreciate you, providing us with the tools to try and make that lifestyle change that we all really need. I’m a totally different person.”

I want to make it a no-brainer to say “YES” to your goals

The fact that you’re reading this section tells me that you already know that you need and want help with finally losing weight, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt about taking the next step. 

“This sounds too good to be true. How do I know that this is really the right fit for me?” 

Well, that’s easy! You just try it! 

The 180-Day BMT Consistency Guarantee

Here’s the deal: Take 180-days (that’s 6 months!) to start going through the BMT Breakthrough program. If you implement what the program teaches and your consistency level in working towards your weight loss goals doesn’t increase, I‘ll give you your money back!

The ONLY thing you have to lose here is the weight.

Read more about that here >>

And because I’m so serious about you getting results, I have even more to help you reach your goals!

Bonus #1 - The VIP Jumpstart Call

Remember my promise above that you’ll never be alone on your journey through The Breakthrough? That starts right away when you join.

This 1:1 session will allow me to help you personalize your journey through the program so that you know exactly how to get started. 

You’ll also get a mindset map to set you up for success in the first 30 days of your journey and beyond.

Bonus #2 - Motivation Morsels

Get my motivation right in your back pocket. These Motivation Morsels are little audio love notes for when you’re having a hard time on your journey. Just pop in your earbuds and choose the best one suited for your exact struggle! We’ll get you back on track in no time!

Bonus #3 - The BMT Breakthrough Journal

Get encouragement to work on your mindset by releasing thoughts that aren’t helping you toward your weight loss goals. Your personal journal will guide you as you document your weight loss and will serve as both a reminder and accountability tool to get your mind right throughout your journey. 

Bonus #4 - The BMT Holiday Eating Bundle

The holidays can be one of the most challenging times to stay on track with your nutrition goals! But with a plan, you can absolutely rock your holiday eating! 

This bundle has everything you need to stay on track with your weight loss goals without feeling deprived or overwhelmed during the holidays. You’ll know exactly how to fill your plate and enjoy incredible foods without derailing your program over the holiday season!

I want to make it a no-brainer to say “YES” to your goals

The fact that you’re reading this section tells me that you already know that you need and want help with finally losing weight, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt about taking the next step. 

“This sounds too good to be true. How do I know that this is really the right fit for me?” 

Well, that’s easy! You just try it! 

The 180-Day BMT Consistency Guarantee

Here’s the deal: Take 180-days (that’s 6 months!) to go through the BMT Breakthrough program. If you implement what the program teaches and your consistency level in working towards your weight loss goals doesn’t increase, I‘ll give you your money back!

The ONLY thing you have to lose here is the weight.

Read more about that here >>

And because I’m so serious about you getting results, I have even more
to help you reach your goals!

Bonus #1 - The VIP Jumpstart Call

Remember my promise above that you’ll never be alone on your journey through The Breakthrough? That starts right away when you join.

This 1:1 session will allow me to help you personalize your journey through the program so that you know exactly how to get started. 

You’ll also get a personalized recipe collection with twenty healthy meal ideas curated just for you and a mindset map to set you up for success in the first 30 days of your journey and beyond.

Bonus #2 - Motivation Morsels

Get my motivation right in your back pocket. These Motivation Morsels are little audio love notes for when you’re having a hard time on your journey. Just pop in your earbuds and choose the best one suited for your exact struggle! We’ll get you back on track in no time!

Bonus #3 - The BMT Breakthrough Journal

Get encouragement to work on your mindset by releasing thoughts that aren’t helping you toward your weight loss goals. Your personal journal will guide you as you document your weight loss and will serve as both a reminder and accountability tool to get your mind right throughout your journey. 

Bonus #4 - The BMT Holiday Eating Bundle

The holidays can be one of the most challenging times to stay on track with your nutrition goals! But with a plan, you can absolutely rock your holiday eating! 

This bundle has everything you need to stay on track with your weight loss goals without feeling deprived or overwhelmed during the holidays. You’ll know exactly how to fill your plate and enjoy incredible foods without derailing your program over the holiday season!

Meet Your Coach and Cheerleader

Hi, I’m Coach Beth!

I’m a Licensed Pharmacist and Certified Nutritionist and Weight Management Specialist. I call myself a Consistency Coach because I’m obsessed with helping women to lose weight by taking consistent action to reach their goals. 

Why? Because I know what it’s like to feel like your body isn’t a reflection of who you really are.

Yup, I’ve been where you are today. I struggled with my weight since I was a child.

I was bullied because of it and constantly felt like I just couldn’t get this area of my life under control.

One day in 2014, I had ENOUGH!! I was moving for the third time in about a year, switching jobs, and felt so uncomfortable in my clothes!  I was unhappy, stressed, frustrated, and so very tired of constantly losing weight and gaining it back! I was sick of the yoyo dieting (and the yoyo-ing weight that came with it)! 

After years of being a pharmacist, the thought of possibly having to be put on expensive medications because of my weight scared me!!

I decided that I wasn't going to let another birthday pass without getting my weight under control!  After all, here I was: this successful, smart woman, and I just couldn't seem to manage my weight.  

It took some work, but here's what I discovered: 

Your food choices can make or break you.

When it comes to weight loss, nutrition, NOT exercise, is the key to unlock your results.

Permanent weight loss transformation is possible.

My life looks completely different now.  I'm happier, healthier, more energetic, and confident in all areas of my life!  I want the same for you, and I'd love to help you change your life! 

“This sounds awesome, but I have some questions!”
You’re in luck!

I have answers: 

Every week, you'll be able to ask me questions directly, through private voice messaging during my weekly office hours. I will also be doing personal weekly accountability check-ins with you to make sure that you're taking ACTION and to keep you moving forward towards your goals, when you're feeling stuck or when things get tough.

So, the level of support is extremely high!

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Our program focuses on teaching you how to make choices that support your weight loss goals and incorporate the four key nutrition game changers, no matter what your eating style is! The BMT 3-part healthy meal formula gives you the freedom to know what and how to eat, at home and on-the-go. You'll learn how to make the best available choices that fit your lifestyle and get you the results that you want, no matter where you are, even if you order pizza or hit the drive-through!

You'll also have the BMT Bites Collection (over 150 recipes with 30 minutes or less cook time and 7 or less ingredients) to give you some meal inspirations; the recipes fit a variety of taste preferences.

Remember, this program is all about PERMANENT weight loss transformation- none of that restrictive, temporary stuff that has you losing and then always gaining the weight back (plus more)!

DEFINITELY! I have worked with clients who are primarily plant-based and have helped them successfully lose weight. Our program focuses on teaching you how to make choices that support your weight loss goals and incorporate the four key nutrition game changers, no matter what your eating style is! The BMT 3-part healthy meal formula gives you the freedom to know what and how to eat, at home and on-the-go. You'll learn how to make the best available choices that fit your lifestyle and get you the results that you want!

You'll also have the BMT Bites Collection (over 150 recipes with 30 minutes or less cook time and 7 or less ingredients) to give you some meal inspirations; the recipes fit a variety of taste preferences and include meatless options.

We do not have any workout routines built into the program, but you can always choose to exercise on your own, if you want.

Here's the thing: this program is all about using the power of food to change your weight forever, because your nutrition, NOT exercise, is THE factor that will shift the scale permanently for you.

Not in the traditional sense! What I mean by that is that you have access to a supportive community of awesome women who are working towards similar goals, and you are free to connect with them in the BMT Coaching portal, if you so choose. BUT, you do not HAVE to; you can be completely ANONYMOUS!

I know many people are not comfortable in group settings, and that is perfectly fine! Your accountability checks are done privately between us.

As a bonus, we have monthly community coaching calls, which you are welcome to attend (with camera and/or audio off, if you want😉!). However, replays are always available for you to watch later at your own convenience.

We do not accept insurance. You may speak to your health plan directly to see if you are able to seek reimbursement for the cost of BMT Coaching programs.

I'd love to help! Send me an email at so we can chat directly!

"I really like the accountability that you give. I know that you are actually looking at what I'm eating. I know that you'll call me out and ask me about what is going on. I think you do a great job at helping me stay motivated and helping me have strength to not give up. Thank you for letting me lean on you when I want to give up. Thank you for taking my questions seriously and giving me real answers, not just glossing over them. "

So, if you are ready to take your weight loss goals into your own hands, I can’t wait to have you join me in The BMT Breakthrough where you’ll get:

  • 12 months of access to our private BMT Coaching online community
  • BMT Coaching Meal Planning Guide
  • BMT Bites Collection (over 150 BMT-approved recipes, all with 30 minutes or less cook time and 7 or less ingredients)
  • Access to online coaching portal
  • Access to private voice messaging support from Coach Beth during weekly office hours (2.5 hour period once per week)
  • Access to Coach Beth’s Detect and Dissect Assessment Tool to evaluate your weekly food logs and scale readings
  • Access to Coach Beth’s Restaurant Menu Review Tool
  • Monthly community coaching calls at beginning of each month (replays available)
  • BMT Coaching Portion Control Guide
  • Coach Beth’s Detect and Dissect Handbook
  • BMT Coaching Holiday Eating Bundle
  • The BMT Coaching Client Resource Library (over 30 video/audio trainings)
  • Weekly personal accountability checks from Coach Beth during the first 6 months of the program
  • Guided weekly action steps from Coach Beth to help you implement

Terms and Conditions for the BMT 180 Consistency Guarantee:

All refund requests must be made within 187 calendar days after your official start date in the BMT Breakthrough, in writing, via email to Coach Beth at  Your official start date can be verified in the coaching portal.

In making your refund request, send an email to with


  • your name
  • purchase date for the Breakthrough
  • official end date for the Breakthrough
  • a statement demonstrating that your daily consistency in working towards your weight loss goals has not increased at all since your program purchase date

The email request must contain written proof/documentation that you have done all of the following over the course of the first 180 days in the Breakthrough:

  • Completed every assigned worksheet by the specified due date
  • Completed every assigned action step by the specified due date 
  • Accessed every assigned file by the specified due date
  • Completed every assigned training by the specified due date
  • Attended every BMT Community Call and/or accessed the replay for every BMT Community Call that took place during the time you were enrolled in the BMT Breakthrough
  • Participated in Coach Beth’s weekly office hours on Voxer every week
  • Subscribed and downloaded all episodes of Coach Beth’s Motivation Morsels private audio feed
  • Accessed all the files in the BMT Client Resource Library

Upon receiving all of the above documentation, Coach Beth will review your request and verify if you have met all of the requirements to qualify for a refund.

She may reach out to you via email or text to ask you questions or clarify anything that is unclear; if you do not respond to her inquiries within 2 business days, your refund request will be automatically denied.  

After submitting your refund request, please allow up to 60 calendar days for Coach Beth to review it and issue a refund, if it is deemed appropriate.  

All refunds will be issued in the original payment form.  

Coach Beth reserves the right to deny any refund request that is incomplete or that does not sufficiently demonstrate that the client has done all of the work required to increase their daily consistency and get the best results from the Breakthrough.  

All refund request decisions are FINAL.

Please note: If you opted for a payment plan and you do not request a refund within 187 days of your official BMT Breakthrough start date, and attach the required complete coursework as outlined above, you are required by law to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan.

If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly. The support desk can be reached at:!